Contribute to the Association of Asset Management Professionals

Are you passionate about asset management and eager to share your insights, experiences, and expertise with a global audience of professionals in the field?

At AMP, we're dedicated to fostering knowledge exchange and professional development within the asset management community.

Showcase Your Expertise
Share your unique perspectives, strategies, and success stories to establish yourself as a thought leader in asset management.

Influence the Industry
Contribute to shaping the future of asset management by sharing your knowledge and insights on emerging trends, technologies, and best practices.
Expand Your Network
Connect with fellow professionals, industry leaders, and like-minded individuals who are passionate about advancing asset management practices.
Elevate Your Brand
Gain visibility and recognition within the asset management community, positioning yourself as a trusted authority in your field.

We welcome contributions on a wide range of asset management topics, including:

Strategy and planning, Corporate responsibility, strategic asset management plan, risk management, asset knowledge, asset lifecycle management, decision making, performance indicators and continuous improvement. 

Are you up for the challenge?

NOTE: All submissions will be reviewed. Individuals will be notified via email if their submission is accepted.